

Malaysia is a country in the Southeast Asia, on the Malay Peninsula and Borneo (Kalimantan) island. The state can be divided into West Malaysia (on the Malay Peninsula bordering with Thailand, Singapore) and East Malaysia on island of Borneo (Indonesian name is Kalimantan), on the border with Indonesia and Brunei. By area, the state occupies 329 thousand sq km which is roughly comparable to the area of Thailand (Malaysia is less). At the same time, the country’s territory is divided roughly in half between the mainland (Malay Peninsula) and island (island of Borneo).

Today, Malaysia is not the underdeveloped third world country (however, many still think so) but rather developed and economically successful state which, moreover, is one of the safest among the Southeast Asian countries. Tourism here is developing very dynamically offering travellers a beach holiday, a lot of historical and cultural attractions, natural beauty and exotica.