The state of India is located in the South Asia. It shares borders with Burma and Bangladesh on the east, China, Nepal, Bhutan and Afghanistan on the north, Pakistan on the west. On southern side it is washed by Polksk Strait and the Indian Ocean, on the east – by the Bay of Bengal, and on the west side – by the Arabian Sea. On the territory of India, there are over 460 different museums among which the main ones are the Madras museums – the National Art Gallery and the Government Museum. In Varnassi is the Sarnath Museum, in New Delhi is the National Museum. In Bombay is the Museum of Western India, in Kolkata is the Birla Technological Museum, the Museum of India. In addition to museums, India is rich in monuments and history. In Calcutta, in the park Maydan there is the Victoria Memorial Square, in the same city there is a botanical garden, St. Paul’s Cathedral. In New Delhi are several Hindu temples, among which Lakshminarasi and Balkesh are considered the major. In Agra is Pearl Mosque, Taj Mahal, and the Marble Mausoleum Dzhahangri Mahal.